Custom Solution Capacitors
Wrap and Fill​
Power Supplies for Radar, Transmitters (TWT’s)
Pulse Forming Networks
Jet Ignition Starter Systems
Bread Boarding
Radar and Transmitter Power Supplies
Guidance System Transmitters for Missiles
Radar Transmitters for Shipboard Defense
Power Supplies for Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)
Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) Power Supplies
Power Supplies for Down-Hole Oil and Gas Exploration (AC and DC apps)
High Temperature Mica and PTFE Capacitors
High Voltage Mica Paper:
Down-hole Oil and Gas exploration
Motor Start-ups
Detonation Device
Filters and Multipliers
Jet Ignition Filters
Low Voltage PTFE Film:
Down-hole Oil and Gas Drilling
IC Burn-in Racks
Audio FIltering
The following is a part number prefix guide to assist you with your selection. The list is not complete, but covers the major prefixes that you may use. Please contact our Sales department for further explanation of our prefixes.